Mon, 14 Jan 2008
Reflections, looking back and forth
I'm still working in setting up this diary and journal, at the time of
writing it is not yet public, but by now some good friends know its
existence. My intention is also to publish things noted down in the
past, and in this process time and thoughts swirl and reference each
Today, while publishing the Net Collectivism collage of thoughts, by
reading it again something revamps in me the passion, the confusion,
the intense feeling of being connected in a network, dealing with Our
I feel finally mature enough to understand some of Artaud's words and
I dream, with eyes wide open, to overcome the cage of individualism,
to reach the state of grace in his Common Soul. But, thinking back to
Europe, how can we steer out of nihilism and individualism?
On my way back to Jakarta, meditating during my trip, I wish i could
share with Pierre Levy the optimism for a Collective Intelligence -
then suddenly i wake up and I'm looking at Taring Padi's collective
painting about Suharto's holocaust in Indonesia, while the dictator is
dying in a TV show.